
Titlees Paradise



Soul Connection – Help needed

According to my last post, I want to ask all of you to please suggest me some quality reading material on that topic (links, books, etc). I would really appreciate that!

Everything I stumble over when I google connection and twin flame etc is talking about romantic/sexual relationships which bothers me cause this is not what my connection is like. In my case (I’m happily married to my husband) it’s someone I would like to call a friend and who means so much to me.

Thank you! 💕

Soul Connection

There is me, having that connection with a guy who spiritually is pretty closed and yes, it drives me nuts. And now I just found this link Soul connections (often refered to as Twin Soul, Karmic Connection, Soulmate)

“Both people will respond, usually instantly knowing there’s something special but how much they are affected at the time and how much they realize whats going on depends upon their level of spiritual openness at the time. We’re all familiar with the situation where its fine for a time then one person just seems to freak out and head for the hills because its all so strong and they don’t feel in control of it. A classic case where the closer they get to it the more there’s still there and they fear the lack of control they would have in the interaction.”

“…Also if they are still spiritually closed they aren’t yet feeling the full force of the connection so the truth may be that yes they feel it but that they haven’t opened enough yet to let it consume them and they’re fighting it.”

“Have faith that spiritual openness is the order of the day, its often why there’s a connection, to make the spiritually closed people walk the path of total openness. And when they get there, then the connection will control them as much as it controls you.”

As I was reading this, I was thinking this is SO him. But it gave me hope that one day he will open up (more). I feel like he already had opened up a bit when I met him the last time but the way things are right now between us, we are at a point where he prefers to kinda fight me by ignoring me. Probably because he cannot tell what is going on and why I just know some things (I should not know) and he’s afraid.


There is a road from the eye to heart…


‘There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect.’ ~ G . K. Chesterton

‘Looking for peace…

‘Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: You won’t be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.’ ~ Ajahn Chah

ღ The Song ღ

ღ The Song ღ

You are meant to be here
At this moment, wherever you are
You are the whispering of Spirit
The hands of Love upon the strings of Life
Walk out on bare feet
Into grain fields being kissed by a Star
Be still and listen
A Golden melody is playing for you
Stalks waving to and fro in the breeze
They sing, they dance, they know
They feel your Presence
Your velvet skin caressed by tender wheat
Every face is a loaf of bread
Sent to nurture the world
You came to channel Light
Into the fields of Beings
Springing up from the Womb of Goddess
Full of Hope and potent Fire
Open your Heart
Let your Soul sing it’s own song
The one that you alone can hear
It vibrates out to Eternity
Carried by Love
Upon the infinite filaments and strings
Billions of worlds joined together
In this Field of Miracles.

~ Keith Overstreet

The Light Collective: “The Wisdom of the Heart”

The Wisdom of the Heart – the Light Collective – 5 October 2013

Channeler: Eliza Ayres

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